Livres de poche de Science-Fiction, Fantasy, Horreur et Fantastique
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Elisabeth LYNN

1946 ( 79 ans )
Nationalité Américaine

Biographie de Elisabeth Lynn non disponible

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  le 19/03/2007 > about "the eye of the painter"
this is one of the best novel Ive ever known
the character of Jimson is "ghosted"by his own search of an improbably answer he 'd be given by space or light coming from about his questions:does a painter or a drawer understand the miracle of creation better than other people or is he only be able to copy the beauty he notice whithout any way to mind it? Are love, tenderness, telepathy and art provided from the fear of misunder--standing the univers for science is just allowed to measure the human unknowledge.
the passion of writing is to let one's habbits away to
give the speedy travel on earth a sense and commuicate other people the desire to run further by giving some clues from and about the mistery of human brain

I prefer to speak french :it is a quetion of vocabulary( less meant than thought might be a wrong way to exchange about what you consider as important )

Pascal Gardiennet
  le 19/03/2007 > about "l'oeil du peintre" from Elisabeth Lynn
It is one of the best novel I ve ever known
The main character Jimson is "ghosted" by the answers coming from space and light he is noticed in his art working without being able to ask the genuine questions to be answered.Writing is looking for Love and tenderness to share with, regardless the obstacles of time and place of birth and trying as well to make other people be moved when they are be given some clue about the necessity to clear the sense of each speedy travel on the earth.Philosophy, art or littleknown power of telepathy may you be allowed to understand the beauty of creation better than science that is still nowadays only be able to measure the human unknwowledge. Nevertheless art do not explain anything but the need of run the whole of one's energy to go further about the comprehension of the miracle of life and the fascination of death and void.

I do prefer to speack french: less meant than thought may be a wrong way to exchange
about what you consider as important

Pascal Gardiennet

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